Essential Oil (BIO) - LAVANDER ASPIC


Spike lavender essential oil is from the same genus as true lavender, but it’s a different species. While its floral aroma resembles lavender’s, it’s more energizing, camphor-like, and herbaceous. Spike lavender’s refreshing scent offers focused confidence (the kind that can help you finish a workout). In skincare blends, spike lavender is suited to ease acutely uncomfortable or itchy issues, as it can purify skin and calm irritation. 

Botanic name: Lavendula spica

Family: Lamiaceae

Obtention: Water-steam distillation of fresh Spike Lavender

Properities : Medium antibacterial, antitoxic, antiviral, excellent stimulant, fungicide, anticatarrhal, analgesic.

Skincare: Exceptional healing and antiseptic.
Uses Acne-prone skin, sunburn, chapping, cracks,…

Caution: Not recommended in the first 3 months of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and children under 7 years old (except occasional local use, from 3 years old, for example, 1 drop on an insect bite or a small wound).

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